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Old 2010-03-22, 17:05   Link #1043
Shameless Fangirl
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Germany
Age: 34
Was reminded that I really need to bring my crack here, so... *grins*

Title: Stupidity of the Rebellion
Genre: Humour, Parody; Oneshot Collection in Progress
Characters: Lelouch, Clovis, Suzaku and others.
Summary: "Because if you have a masochist, a narcissist and a lovable megalomaniac, it would be a crime not to make fun of them."

So far, the pieces are...

1. Macbeth Could Have Told You
- Because regicide is no solution. Really.
Word Count: ~1012

2. Alas the Pretty Villain

- On prettiness, bored noble women and why Lelouch should never have taken up cooking.
Word Count: ~1169

3. The Pains of Sleeping Beauty
- In which little!Lelouch is a bit too well-informed, Marianne is creepy, and Clovis screams like a girl.
Word Count: ~1200


The second oneshot has LuluSuza, but the other two are gen, and there are warnings.
In the end, it's all crack. Beware of the randomness!
"I think of the disturbance in Area 11 as a chess puzzle, set forth by Lelouch." - Clovis la Britannia
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