Thread: Crunchyroll Omamori Himari
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Old 2010-03-28, 01:22   Link #693
Join Date: Dec 2006
Originally Posted by Iromaru View Post
Weekly sales can be misleading since they don't come out at the same day. The thing is OH made it to the list 3 times while SnO just once. And it have better scores on every manga site. But it's not really a big difference anyways.
Hmm? Doesn't that argument work against your statement though...? Like I said too.
What we are looking at is the popularity of OH to SnO, not how they do against the other competition of the weeks they were released. Perhaps OH's competition is weak, perhaps SnO's was strong, etc.
Although you cannot compare them by "how many times they appear on the top weekly sales", you can look at their sales though.

As for the manga site thing, I think it is pretty safe to suggest that is an overstatement, unless you can pull the ratings from every manga site on the internet (every language) and prove your statement is true.

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