Thread: Licensed Rosario+Vampire Manga
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Old 2010-04-06, 11:50   Link #13516
Team Spice and Wolf UK
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: England
Age: 36
Originally Posted by cors8 View Post
IIRC, while the anime does exaggerate it a lot more, Inner Moka is "bigger" than Outer.
Ah I read them all really quickly (try remembering everything in 68 chapters read in 2.5 days heh), so I couldnt remember whether there had been a comment on this in the manga, I had a feeling it had been commented on by someone, but couldnt remember and didn't want to make a fact out of something that wasn't!

I.Moka almost acts and appears older in some ways to O.Moka, I almost wonder whether thats an allusion to her being sealed up when she was younger, and before that the more human side of her develop had had less chance to develop, so essentially acts and appears slightly younger, either that or to the I.Moka being the more vampiric/immortal version. Probably not but its an interesting thought.
Total Anime watched= Enough. What can I say? I'm a convert...
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