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Old 2010-04-08, 11:56   Link #991
A l l e l u j a h
Ultimate Cyber Newtype
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Manila, Philippines
Age: 34
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Death Note,

for some reason I prefer the live action than the series maybe because of the extension of the plot, adding a creepy guy named mello (reminds me of shinji from bleach) and Near (L wannabe). In my opinion, the ending of the live action was more dramatic, because generally, it was a battle of the minds between L and Kira.

Another thing is, in our country (the Philippines), ever since deathnote was known by anime and non anime fans, a lot of emo dudes started appearing. It's like a blight of EMO, almost all of them has the same L hairstyle, some of them even copies L's movements and passion for sweets. Err THE HORROR!!!
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