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Old 2010-04-14, 20:43   Link #465
Hail pork!
*Graphic Designer
Join Date: May 2007
Location: Silicon Valley
Originally Posted by Marina View Post
Coolio sigs, but I no likey the text >.<

Seriously though, I cower away from that monstrous sized text in your request Nadeko sig. It just jumps out too much and the monotone color also seems like a cop out after all your subtle work in the background. I've also never liked Papyrus font in sigs.

The Sephiroth sig works the text better, but I would go for a bit more opacity in the phrase "Wings symbolize freedom / for those who have none"

Very silly current sig/avi combo
Marina-chan! Are you talking about the orange sig? Those are big texts aren't they lol... Oh well. 90% of my sigs have the same fonts. Tis a very orange sig as you put it. Very monotone in color. All that accents it is the little splash of C4D and some vectoring in the background, other than that, it's just a plain primer as my starting point. As for the choice of text, I was skimming through my library of texts and closed my eyes and stopped at this one =). So Papyrus it is!

I tried with the opacity changes and even went with the whole soft light and overlay but the background didn't want to compliment it well. I just masked a C4D behind the text and worked it a bit. I actually forgot to put the text on when I finished the work lol. I had to shift all the layers over to the right just to fit the text.

You can cut me some slack since I'm a bit rusty from taking a year off of making sigs... well at least a long couple of months =) Jk, no excuses in the sig making world right? On to the next sig project!

Oh yeah, don't hate on Hinaichigo =) You know it's kawaii!
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