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Old 2004-09-01, 03:43   Link #1
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Join Date: Jul 2003
Mahou Sensei Negima (First TV Series)

Noticed this on the torrent submissions and I don't think it was added yet, but I downloaded it.

It's a short just under 6min intro to the animated Negima (OVA/Series?) I have no idea what the actual plan for it is. But with 30+ VA's cast for the show I can't see it just being a short 3 ep OVA.

As for the initial thoughts. Didn't get to see any magic in action really so no idea how that will come across. Did get to see all the female students (in a group shot) and then they individually introduced the baka rangers, the five lowest scoring girls in the class (ALTHO THEY DIDN'T INTRODUCE THEMSELVES BY COLOR GRR)

Well before that we get the first chapter or so of the manga animated. Negi is shown in England (Although I think this whole part should have been in English...but eh) and is assigned to teach the at a girls middle school in Japan. We then see Negi arrive and introduce himself to the class when most of the girls fawn over how adorable the 10 year old is.

Segway into the previously mentioned baka ranger intros.
So we get to see and hear Asuna, Makie, Yue, Ku Fei, and Kaede. AKA Baka Ranger Red, Pink, Black, Yellow and Blue. We get to see the Kaede Bunshin No Jutsu But shh...she's not a ninja

Then at the end Ayaka busts in for her promo and I gotta say the voice for her is DEAD-ON what I always imagined while reading the manga. Kinda Sultry/Snobby.

So it looks like this could be a fun anime, the animation looks good and pretty faithfully adapted from the manga. Thanks to Meow for translating this short. It's a nice little preview, now it's just a matter of if this actually ever becomes a full-fledged anime.

Oh yea and judging by the fanservice in the preview... Please FujiTV don't air this show if it becomes an anime. You'll run out of fog effects.
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