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Old 2010-04-25, 12:43   Link #15
Join Date: Jan 2004
Age: 42
Really liked a lot of things about this episode. In particular, the character facial animation is really above average for this episode, and it's a good thing because it really needed it. The detail in how Roy's eyes are drawn as the episode progresses really makes the episode for me.

Yoshimichi Kameda is a really, really good animator. BONES has done an amazing job in discovering new talent with FMA:B, and even though they don't use the veteran action animators I've come to expect from BONES, the series has really found its own style and action milestones as the series progressed.

I commented early on in the series that part of the problem with FMA:B was that as a reboot it was constantly being compared to the original, and it would be hard for a new team to do the same action scenes that were done in the original series with the same impact, and it was something that worked against the team. I'm glad to say that now towards the tail end of the series, I've seen more than enough in the last 40 or so episodes to be able to conclude that yes, the new team has indeed managed to make their mark on the major animation sequences and have animated many scenes which they can be very proud of and will always be associated with them, and not compared to the previous series. Hironori Tanaka and Yoshimichi Kameda are every bit the highlight of FMA:B, just like Yutaka Nakamura and Takashi Tomioka were for the original FMA.
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