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Old 2004-09-02, 01:38   Link #20
Bishoujo Goodness Galore!
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Stuck Between Reality and Fantasy
it really isn't right to condense a series that has the potential to be twice as long as its predecessors (A.I. Love You and Love Hina) and still maintain a good story (heck, if i had that many characters to work with, i could make 52+ episodes and still have characters not developed enough...)
on the other hand, i will watch it since i'm a big fan of series that take a cliche or overused plot device and put it on the back burner in favor of character development and/or story (i've heard Akamatsu only made it into a "harem" manga at his editor's insistance, yet he's been taking a different approach than before i.e., action sequences beyond a guy getting punched to the moon, the fact that there's 1 robot and at least 3-4 different martial artists, plus a ghost and a vampire leads to...well, first a compilation of every bishoujo cliche ever made...and then some pretty decent action (i've taken a liking to Makie based on the manga so far))
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