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Old 2010-05-05, 07:50   Link #76
Join Date: Mar 2004
Originally Posted by Himeji View Post
Having take away anything from you, even your most precious possession, certainly *doesn't* result in ultimate fulfillment, it only results in hopelessness and giving up.
Besides, if she really would have found which she had been looking for (which she clearly hasn't), she would've certainly sung a happier song.
Iwasawa's words seemed to indicate more that she found what she wanted to do than hopelessness and giving up. Why would she necessarily have to sing a "happy" song for fulfillment? It was a song she created and that she had personally wanted to use as it was "her" music, a ballad, and not GirlDeMo's, which Yuri wanted to be more rock and if anything, 'pop'. Someone tried to take her most precious possession and she fought to keep it. My view on is it is that she had fought and found what she was really looking for, having kept her guitar away from the people trying to take it away, had sung the song she wanted to sing, and in the end found what her purpose is. Maybe you are right but I don't see how you can say it is nonsense when there is evidence to the contrary.

Originally Posted by Himeji View Post
Another good point for coma. Also notice the "Beats" in "Angel Beats", which are shown on those ecg (electrocardiogram) graphs.

I think I have one more point supporting coma: Otonashi's lost memory. It's quite likely that it's resulting from some kind of severe head injury, which sent him into a coma and made him lose his memories.
The others entered the coma on other conditions, so they still have their memories.

True. They're not dead yet, just lying in coma.
If they'd commited suicide, they'd be really dead and not in that world.

This does seem to make more and more sense. Although the question is, do they wake up from their coma, or "pass on" to the actual afterlife? Are they just all coincidently in coma's that have them in the same place or are they in some sort of experiment that would drive their consciousness' to the same place (ie are they being hooked up in some sort of lab together)? There is always the possibility of it being a bunch of trolling and red herrings too heh. This series is pretty fun so far, I'm pretty excited to see where this goes but speculation is fun =)
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