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Old 2010-05-11, 16:46   Link #1034
Kaioshin Sama
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Neither Here nor There
Age: 39
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I'm not understanding the love for Angel Beats. The show has promise which it has yet to capitalize on 6 episodes in (over 2 hours of content) and frankly I can't see how it's anything other than a mess of concepts that have yet to receive any definition or mesh together in the slightest. It might help if the show didn't devote over half of it's time to slapstick comedy and random over-animated concerts (what's with this trend anyway) with ticker tape flying around everywhere. Really though when you're 6 episodes into a show and still barely have any idea what is going on it's hard to identify with what you are watching.

Though I guess it gets loved because it's modern fan favourite Key behind the "story" and not a mecha series or something where the slightest slip in storytelling seems to instantly earn you the label of eternal trainwreck.
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