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Old 2010-05-11, 18:21   Link #9880
The Great Dine
Join Date: Feb 2009
Originally Posted by SeagullCrazy View Post
I thought the stakes represented the parents. At least, each parent is connected to one of the seven deadly sins:

Natsuhi: Pride
Eva: Greed
Hideyoshi: Gluttony
Kyrie: Envy

Those were the obvious ones. For the other adults:

Krauss: Sloth
Rudolf: Lust
Rosa: Wrath

At least that's what I think. I can see how other interpretations might work, but I think this is the best connection.

(also, this is why I think the parents killed the EP3 first twilight, since the stakes were shown killing them)
As Judoh already said, this has been around since forever. Whether or not it holds merit or not is to be told.

Only reason I'm responding? Why does everyone think Rudolf's major sin is Lust, when Ryukishi clearly showed in EP 3 that his major sin is Sloth. So what, Rudolf fought a demon completely unrelated to him, while Kyrie got paired with her sin? That makes no sense. Not to say Rudolf doesn't have some lust, but it's secondary. Rosa is the one with Lust as her sin - Beatrice even says this in EP 4 while Maria is torturing Rosa. Rosa sleeps around with men, neglecting her duties as a parent. Rudolf doesn't sleep around anymore and we know he's clearly trying to change his ways, while Rosa shows intention of changing.
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