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Old 2010-05-18, 14:44   Link #23457
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Originally Posted by Bigpoppasmurf1105 View Post
I'm sorry, but after reading most of the comments here I just have to ask, what do you guys really think kallen and her group should have done before Lelouch came along? Sit on their thumbs and pray to Kami-sama for help? Or hope the Britannians were just going to be nice and at the very least leave them alone? Very doubtful, considering how precious land is and there is a profit to be made off of the expendable lower class. Maybe they could hope someone else would do the dirty work, which in my view is much worse and cowardly than what they really did. I think we keep forgetting that if no one resisted against Britannia, nothing was going to change. As a matter of fact, things would get worse. Hell without the "terrorists" how the hell was Lelouch ever going to start his rebellion in the first place?
Without a way to actually make a significant difference, yes, backing down would have probably been a better option. They wouldn't be killing innocent civilians (and as Nogistune said a page ago, what were they doing targeting civilians in the first place? Get to the heart of the problem), and Britannia would - probably - be less hostile towards them. The only real reason they kept on fighting was pride, unless they were retarded and didn't realise how much of a superpower Britannia really was. They were literally insects as far as Britannia was concerned, and didn't get anywhere till someone with an ounce of talent and magic mind control powers took over.

Hey, this is the first time I've been able to really understand Suzaku's PoV on this issue. Still don't completely agree with him, but hey it's nice to understand. /random
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