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Old 2010-05-22, 23:08   Link #3068
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: In my room
so it's age of gods huh... well it's interesting but I just would lke to dig in it a lot deeper but I'm not into reading a huge wall of text.

If the author tends to use the book of law thing then I don't know on what to say.

But from what I observe some are things that had been cleared and it helps. A lot

By the way so horus is the latest age? then the past are osiris and isis? is their more faqs about them?

so the wings represents a god and it's power or it's aeon? or it's age... then what age does osiris represents with?

I can't understand what Crowley writes for the age of horus but I only understand is one thing on the sentence is about the "but goeth radiant ever upon His Way" reminds me of touma.

And it's an interesting theory if it's an AIM diabolic book.

But the main point for me what is the truth on the word "AIM"

it's been said that it's the power of esper or their personal reality emerge on it or something but how can an AIM produce a way for a DIVINE being to exist?

Unless it's been explained clearly I really can't understand a thing.
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