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Old 2010-06-02, 19:27   Link #2117
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Originally Posted by Yot-chan View Post
I think a lot of people read too much into the "symbolism." I think it's mostly just window dressing, and doesn't really stand up under scrutiny.
Honestly, I haven't seen anyone raise issue about the symbols for the films. Maybe I missed some posts far back in this thread? Cause all I ever hear are issues about the shows's use of symbolism, which as I said, is pretty much mute. Anno merely threw random things together in the show without much thought as to how they would all interact with each other (in a symbolic sense).

But I'm talking about the new movies in which we are seeing Anno actually change not only the story and characters, but the symbols themselves.

The man is 15 years older now. A lot can happen to someone.

Since this is a new story, not to mention a different Anno then 15 years ago, we cannot assume that he is ignoring the context of his symbols. It could be very likely from some of the examples I listed that Anno is actually researching the stuff much more for the story. If so, it would be very good to discuss it.

As I remember from Wikipedia, Anno didn't know how the story would end when he began the series. This time around, it appears he has a good idea of where he is taking this. If so, it would make sense that he is putting more effort into it.

Not only that, but unlike last time, he realizes he has a Western audience, and it could provide extra incentive for him to research his Christian references a bit more.

Remember, this is a new project. There is nothing to say that Anno isn't actually using the symbolism more effectively. And no, I do not refer to the crosses. lol There are a lot better symbols (as I previously pointed out) then the crosses in the film.
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