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Old 2010-06-07, 15:43   Link #120
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2005
If I had to guess, I'd say that Kuma was probably the guy who filled in Ace's spot. I say this because I think he was offered the position around the same time (or shortly before) Iva and the Newkamas were incarcerated. I'm really just basing this on the fact that Iva already knew that Kuma was a Shichibukai when they met at Marineford, yet he didn't know about his conversion into a Pacifista. So if Kuma was still an active pirate/rebel around the same time Ace started making a name for himself in the GL, I can definitely see him being the one who was offered the position after Ace rejected it. But again, this theory would depend on how long Iva was imprisoned.....
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