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Old 2010-06-09, 16:18   Link #232
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Age: 34
However, I don't think the mediocre-at-times singing detracts too much from the songs themselves. Overall, I think most of the songs sound pretty good. Many rock bands succeed and become legends even with mediocre singing, because their songs are enjoyable nevertheless. Personally, as long as the singing is at an acceptable level, I tend to appreciate the instrumentals more.

Furthermore, Jun Maeda did mention he was trying write songs that would fit a high school girls band - not all the way through professional but with some hints of amateurism. I don't know if the vocalist choices were deliberate with this aim in mind, but it does fit the theme of the band by picking out lesser known singers, even if their singing is slightly flawed.
Don't get me wrong, I like the instrumentals, but it made me sad that they don't have the off-vocal tracks in these singles. The vocals ruin it for me like with K-ON!!'s Go! Go! Maniac, but the redeeming factor besides from the screechiness of Toyosaki Aki's vocals (it seems she isn't use to fast paced songs) is the catchiness of the song and the instrumentals. There is nothing redeeming in GDM, except the instrumentals. Again, people have different opinions and musical tastes and may not agree with me and I respect that, but few of the bloggers I have contact with agrees with me that the songs are mediocre and they needed better singers. The reviews of the two singles at Anime Instrumentality Blog will give you a general idea what the author say whats wrong with the songs by Girls Dead Monster...
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