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Old 2010-06-20, 18:36   Link #7894
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: Massachusetts
Age: 34
I'm not saying to get rid of anti-trust and monopoly laws. I'm talking about free market reform, and the aim would be to uphold the free market. I'm not saying Laissez-faire - I would like the government to intervene, but specifically for the purpose of upholding the free market. Unfair business tactics should still be monitored. Laissez-faire and free market reform are not one in the same. Instead, I think the government should shrink in size in the way of federal agencies such as the department of energy or the DEA which incur wasteful spending and unproductive jobs. Shrink from all those areas the government, according to our constitution, should not be involved. Shrink our empire of military bases, as well, so we can spend less and focus our resources where they count: making sure the capitalist system works the way it is supposed to. Contrary to how you have perceived my argument, I suggest the government focus solely on regulations that uphold a free market and perfect competition.

And quality certainly does matter, just not in the industries you are thinking about. Food being the main one. Look at the obesity epidemic here in the US. Then look at the food options in many parts of the country.
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