Thread: Prunus Girl
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Old 2010-06-26, 20:51   Link #81
Where are the good animes
Join Date: Dec 2003
Originally Posted by DJ Trouble View Post
Doesn't he live in the same dorm as all the other guys? >_>

It seems like everyone knows he's a guy, but don't care because he's so feminine. The only reason it even seems to be a question for them is because they just can't believe that a guy could be that feminine. He has them more spellbound than any of the other girls in the manga. Thinking about it, it's really natural for them to question it. They know he's a guy, but they're attracted to him, and they're straight, so things are adding up. Being less attracted isn't really an option, so their minds go to the "maybe he's really a girl" route.

But yea, he's a "guy", for whatever that's worth in a manga.
I'm thinking when they do Sports, he/she needs to change right(in the guys changing room)? How come no one's seen him/her changing yet?
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