Thread: Needless
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Old 2010-07-05, 17:18   Link #4735
Junior Member
Join Date: Jul 2010
^ sort-of. Wasn't Aruka intentionally supposed to kill Cruz, but she let the testament try. So, they actually went backwards in terms of strength

I don't think the heavenly 4 will attack the market because Saten is with Cruz, Aruka is looking for the last half of the disc, Riru doesn't seem the type to go on missions, and Uten is dead.

About Cruz getting a power, I don't think he'll get a power like the other needless we've seen. It's been mentioned over and over again that the needless ability is tied to the brain. So for me, Cruz will get/achieve something like enlightenment, allowing him to use all portions of his brain and not have to rely on fragments for abilities. Ultimately, allowing him to become the Third.

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