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Old 2010-07-07, 15:53   Link #13308
Mystery buff
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Gone Fishin!
Originally Posted by m0h View Post
I think the existence of red truth is conditioned by the beliefs of everyone on the island. Since without proof you can't disprove anything, the truth remains truth.
No I don't think the red is like that at all. It's not necessary to have any evidence to give a red truth. Lambda said that herself in red. It's just a proclamation and it requires no evidence to say. That's why Knox's 2nd is used forbid it as a clue.

The gold truth however is a human proof and it requires some sort of evidence or human knowledge to say. It's a subjective proof and is not absolute truth at all. Or it's just a bluff, but I don't really like that idea.

Ryukishi also said the golden truth is like a finishing move in a fighting game, which was a metaphor I used myself once before he said that. It's bad in certain situation and better in others. I think it's strongest when it's trapped in red and blue (since there is more information built up then) and weak when only red is used. It's best save as a last minute move.
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