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Old 2010-07-12, 16:05   Link #20
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: UK
Age: 31
Voice Actors/Acting: 9

Probably part of what made Angel Beats! really shine through imo, top quality voices and voice acting. Particularly liked TK, Hinata, Yui and the soft Kanade in this respect.

Plot: 4

Ehm, can't say it was entirely focused well, it was just a train ride with everything jumbled up here and there throughout. When there was finally something with the shadows near the end, it was just so random with such little closure.

Soundtrack: 9

The songs were great as was the BGM, played appropriately and always seemed to fit the mood or atmosphere that was being projected.

Enjoyment: 8

I generally looked forward to watching it between airing but each episode didn't make me want to watch the rest of the show right there and then, with the show generally leaving nice aftertastes with each watching. I never seemed to get bored except maybe in episode 12.

Emotional Involvement: 7

Not the best of Jun Maeda's works, especially compared to something like Clannad or even Kanon which I felt was more involving. The only times I truly felt this was during the second flashback to Otonashi's past, the bitter yet heartwarming end to Ep10, and the finale.

Overall: 7(.4)

A good show that didn't exactly betray or exceed my expectations.
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