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Old 2010-07-20, 23:39   Link #3458
winter 923
Senior Member
Join Date: Jun 2010
Denying that would be hard, if not impossible. I agree that everyone would think of him as Kanon for some time but does other opinion matter? I never change the nicknames of my friends on IM even if they do, while i still see Vmllcg going online he already is Silver since 2 years. Ain't i am the wrong one? I can't say that Vmllcg is dead but i shouldn't call him Vmllcg eighter. because he is not.

"Oh i know him, in our schooltime we called him Eddie the slacker" but now he is Edward the top ace in his Soccer team. everything i said becomes obsolete if you don't give red a bit room to breath, since in no way you can call Eddie the slacker "dead".

If i blindly believe in red i cannot see anyone shooting Nanjo in EP3.
I do not use english in my everyday life. If i sound arrogant, offensive or inappropriate please point it out. I can asure you it was not intended and apologize in advance.
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