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Old 2010-07-21, 14:33   Link #1004
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Originally Posted by Nogitsune View Post
I don't agree that Milly didn't love Lelouch for the person he was - at the end of 0.911, she comments on Lelouch's "annoying pompous attitude" and kindness towards his sister that haven't changed at all. Shen then continues with, "Which is why..." but then breaks off and says that she noticed him blushing when he thanked her.
Indeed, in the real world, such a claim that Milly was projecting some ideal onto Lelouch might have merit, but in a fictional setting her feelings should be assumed to be genuine until the story and/or Word of God explicitly state otherwise. Otherwise the arguement could extend to both Shirley and Kallen that they were loving some idea of Lelouch rather than the genuine person, as both girls had development that only gave them a full understanding of Lelouch when it was too late.

My belief with Milly's feelings was more that she did love Lelouch for who he was, but that she knew that both their respective circumstances prevented any chance of them getting together. This was partly why she seemed to try to set Lelouch and Shirley up together as it was a sort attempt to move past Lelouch, as seeing him happy with another girl would allow her to move on herself, in addition to her general concerns for the two of them as friends and desire to see others happy. Further this lead me to believe that her occasional teasing of Shirley was partly a subconcious act of jealousy.
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