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Old 2010-07-29, 09:36   Link #104
Wise Otaku Seeker
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Philippines
Age: 34
i made small fan fic about crimrose and ivis in their ending

w8 let me get it and paste it here

8 min of searching*

ok here


Good ending alternate take

after manga version of the story

left arm started taking over and is going to Chaos dimension to be Chaos's general.

Portal opens ivis slowly floating towards opened portal suddenly crim in seraph mode flies toward ivis un away the left arm already took control of ivis

Crim force ivis to not go ivis prepare to battle and a battle ensures minutes later seraph mode wore off crim a sitting duck is single handedly grabed to here neck

Crim: ivis you dont wanna do this you must not do this

(chaos)ivis: the ivis you know is gone locked inside deep in this body's consciousness

crim: ivis i know you can hear me i dont remember the past but all that memory surging through makes me wanna believe you something special to me so pls fight it

crim forces her hand to hug ivis but in doing soo pierces her stomach with ivis's dark sword

crim: came back to me ivis come back to me and let make new and happier memory together

(chaos)ivis: ugh no im in control not you.argh no..agh damn you!!!!!

then a bright light engulfs ivis and crim

same time far away

leo: as suspected they feel different

icy : in a sense they maube the key for the revival

dracken : only time will tell

going back

ivis: crim no crim *sniffs crim

crim: dont worry I'm o....kay............


ten days later

ChaosHenchbot: DAMN YOU angel force we will take over the univcers one way or another!

ivis: that maybe some other time but not today it seems *Hyaaa!

Chaoshenchbot:guwaaaaaaah *explode

Shinebuster: well this outpost is pretty muchs secure tnx hero

ivis: *flies off hurriedly

Shinebuster: well there she goes

"in Central colony" <--------------------Pls correct me if im wrong

ivis: im back

crim: welcome back

*put stuf doing here blah blah blah and jump to this picture*

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