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Old 2010-07-29, 20:27   Link #134
Join Date: Dec 2003
Age: 41
Really late in replying, but I just wanted to say thanks to you, pdshingo, for your summary and thoughtful analysis. I definitely shared your interpretation of the story when I watched the show and listened to the Drama CD. I think you're right on in your observations.

I think the idea of "being able to fly" has a lot to do with being able to face reality and look to the future. Put in the reverse sense, I guess you could say it's about not being tied down, and stuck to the ground. Noe's story throughout True Tears, and cemented in the Drama CD, delivers on this point. In fact, I think you could easily argue that all of the stories in this show are based on this same concept; moving past the things that hinder us, and finally being able to fly and face tomorrow.

So anyway, thanks for the thoughts. If you do feel like taking the time at some point to give your thoughts about the other two Drama CD tracks, I'd definitely be interested to read it.
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