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Old 2004-09-21, 20:30   Link #5
Cirque Dame's Jonin
Join Date: Sep 2004
Originally Posted by phoenixfire92983
*Asian Kung-fu Generation all the way!!!!! I'd give AKG a 9+ cause they're singles keep getting better and better! Way too many people stereotype AKG because they did the song "haruka kanata" for Naruto. I promise right now, that that song is nothing compared to the rest of their collection. If you want a real taste, try "Flash Back", "Mirai no Kakera", "Loop and Loop", "Rewrite", and "Kimi no Machi Made"! I also love how AKG isn't the typical rock band that dresses up in leather and makeup. The guys just dress in their regular clothes, act pretty down to earth, and Gotoh always seems to make the audience laugh at concerts. They have a lot going for them and even Oricon is highly recommending their latest single, "Kimi no Machi Made".

*L'arc en Ciel is probably a 8ish. They have some good stuff too, but they're more hard core than AKG. Probably my fav. song by them is "ready, steady, go", not because it was on FMA, but because its lighter than some of their other stuff. "Revelation" was pretty good too. But yeah, AKG still wins against laruku anyday for me
Very helpful, and I have to agree now that I've listened to both. Rewrite, yeah!
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