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Old 2010-08-16, 09:30   Link #99
Uu~ Let's solve a riddle
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Germany
Originally Posted by Almazluverdis3 View Post
You drive a hard bargain. The problem is, looking at an Anti-Fantasy perspective, there is no "Golden Lasso" or whatever But the fire power, can be a massive fire thrower.
I'm not try to justify any Fantasy perspective or whatever but just meant to address how the metaphoric implication from all thats attributed to Siestas killing is hardly consistent at all and most of it doesn't suggest shotguns were used in EP3 or at least not in the way the tales wants us to believe their murder were commited.

There IS another interpretation that at least fits to EP3 I thought of once but its a bit far fetched:
Siestas are just meant to contrast to the Stakes and how the murderers behave.

Siestas are calculating, efficient and professional even someway "emotionless" in their work.
Stakes take everything very personal with her connections to sins, are sometimes really amateurish or clumsy and not nearly as powerful. Besides they can get in danger and killed and fight some duels while Siestas are always overpowering enemies or fleeing really fast.

But as this is really not the topic of EP7, my overarching idea was if those multiple guns and the simultaneously introduced Siestas are just misinterpreted noise of the witch illusion it is most likely that Bern is just committing a follow-up error by also fitting this idea in her story. If EP7 is really meant to show us fan theories this makes even more sense.
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