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Old 2010-08-18, 07:35   Link #8641
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Originally Posted by bladeofdarkness View Post
Which would be relevent if opposition to the Mosque took the form of "No, we should build a Church there instead"
THEN, you'd have a point about no one religion getting support over another.

the opposition is not saying they should build a church instead
they are saying that they don't want a Mosque there.

this should be about giving NO religions belief (as in, freedom FROM religion) an advantage over A religions belief.
No, the protesters are not motivated by lack of belief. They are motivated by Christianity and racism, and are likely Teabaggers.

the fact that most of New Yorkers apparently think that its completely inappropriate.
THAT, is insensitive.
First, you'll have to provide evidence that "most" New Yorkers oppose it. Then you'll have to argue that smaller group have to yield to pressure from the majority, regardless of having the legal right, which leads to a slippery slope.

then ban ANY religious constructs if you will.
Build a huge Museum or a giant school for the arts, or whatever ELSE.
but don't create something with a religious connotation where people don't WANT it.
If people don't want religious connotation in a certain place, then why are there no protests against Christian churches in the area? Because these protests are nothing more than an attempt to establish Christianity as the correct religion of the US. Protesting against one religion's building but not another's is supporting one religion over another. If the people really don't want religion in a certain place, we should tear down all houses of brainwashing in the area.

religious faith divides us, by creating an in group and out groups.
regardless to whether or not they call it a "community center", its an ISLAMIC project.
if they really want to contribute and create something that improves the lives of everyone, make a religiously neutral project.
I absolutely agree (see my posts in the religion thread). However, America is not an atheist country, so that's not relevant to this issue.

Originally Posted by SaintessHeart View Post
I'd say to let them duke it out in "American Civil War II".
Yes, I'm enjoying it. Americans have the belief that they live in the free-est (grammar nazis, please correct me on this word) and most tolerant country in the world, and I love watching false beliefs collapse.
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