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Old 2010-08-18, 14:46   Link #8657
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Join Date: Oct 2004
Originally Posted by justinstrife View Post

And where is your proof that the majority who oppose the mosque being built are Christian? Or racist? Or even Tea-Partiers?
Christians already demonstrated by others to be true. Racism demonstrated by attack on Egyptian Christian protesters, "This is not your country" pic to be true. Tea Party, as heterogeneous as it is, demonstrated by their rage at everything to be true.

Obviously from you calling them Tea-Baggers, we know where you stand. Quite the opposite of my positions.
Yes, I am proud to say that I hold the opposite of most of your positions, except for self-defense and guns. I support freedom and civil rights for people, and I support government regulation of corporations.

Originally Posted by OceanBlue View Post
Obviously, the worst of the group don't represent the majority, but seeing as parts of the media seem to like linking the Tea Party to news like that, it can't be helped that the Tea Party gains that reputation.
The people in the Tea Party who aren't racist have no idea what they're getting into. Racists don't like what they perceive as white Christian culture being eroded (and "big government"), so they joined the Tea Party as a platform.

That's no proof, only speculation. That being said, I can't see why or how you'd claim that most of the people against this aren't Christian. I'm surprised only 68% of New Yorkers are Christian though.
My reasoning for the religion thing is very simple. Chances are most Muslims don't oppose the center. Buddhist, Hindus, etc. have no motive to oppose it. That leaves Christians and Jews, and while New York has a high Jewish population that doesn't explain anti-mosque demonstrations in other parts of the country. Hence, the guilty party is very obvious. That, and as you said people who don't like confrontations and so back those who complain.

Edit again:
The article justinstrife linked mentioned that President Obama showed his support for the project. Why would he do that? It's an issue that has more to do with the state/region than the country, and you'd think that he'd learn the hazards of speaking out too much.
Obama is showing his support for diversity and the rights of minorities, or some such. Since there is fervent anti-minority feelings across the US, it's not just a local issue.
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Last edited by justsomeguy; 2010-08-18 at 15:02.
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