Thread: Licensed Sengoku Basara Two
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Old 2010-08-18, 21:51   Link #216
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Originally Posted by Shiroth View Post
Yeah that episode certainly delivered. I've been waiting for this episode just to see what Chousokabe is like as a character, and he certainly did not disappoint. He's the kind of epic man you expect a pirate to me. Never giving up, and giving it 100% all the way. He's easily become one of my favorite characters now after this.

I knew Hideyoshi was going to be powerful, though not that over the top . I hope it doesn't end up a Date and Yukimura team up to defeat him like it did with Wakamoto at the end of the first season. I'd feel so cheated, though one surely has to wonder how he is going to be defeated. I still think it'll have something to do with his past with Keiji, as hinted.

Poor Furuya Toru . Can't blame Yukimura for joining the battle, though it was at the wrong time. He'll certainly learn from this.

& do i see Date vs Takeda in the preview? Oh my god.
I certainly agree i was waiting to see how they were portray Chousokabe and i believe they got it perfect. He may look rough around the edges and talk funny but the guys got heart. He never gives up even after being smashed into the ground like a asteroid entering the atmosphere. The guys rough around the edges but he cares for the people taking in as many as possible. He reminds me of Gan Ning from ROTK not just the fact they were both pirates.

Date vs Takeda if we are going to see that in episode 7 im going to need be tied to a chair that is too manliness for me to sit still for. Though one must ask why they would be fighting when they bigger things to worry about.

Also, Mori is no idiot he knows that once Hideyoshi is done with him what will happen he just prolonged it a little. Also, did anyone else catch the name Toshii threw during the conversation with Keiji and Matsu, Nene now im really interested in Keiji and Hideyoshi's past. I dont think its going to be Date and Yukimura this time around beating the boss. But who the hell can go toe to toe with Hideyoshi?

Yukimura learned a valuable lesson this episode and he better get use to seeing causalities.

Originally Posted by Kanon View Post
Hideyoshi is overpowered even by Basara standard. He doesn't need God's help to part the sea, his fists are enough. Gotta give credit to Chosakabe for being able to withstand all those punches as well.
More than being impressed by his Moses act of parting the sea i laughed my ass off. It was just ridiculous. But its easy to see why they did it they want to show Hideyoshi being overpowered that he represents what he has always being saying. The strong deserve to rule still i find most of Hideyoshi's GARness more funny than anything. I love how Chousokabe kept calling him a monkey lol.
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