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Old 2010-08-21, 09:56   Link #2065
Crazy One
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Crimson Demon's Realm
Age: 40
Originally Posted by christinemarie View Post
Mere 1 vote, I wonder who among those didn't vote for Uiharu from the Kuroko fanbase and went for Segawa Izumi. She is the difference maker that led to early exit of Uiharu. Kuroko derailed the rest.

Skipping Day 20, move on to Day 21.
So DRRR!! is not popular as expected, Anri gets sacked despite her VA.

Round 1, Day 21 (Kapten and A-tan)
C1-7 Kapten (too bad it's a different Hinagiku otherwise this would turn out a blood fight. Kapten doesn't need to use her other eye to move on.)
D1-7 A-tan (She only appeared very briefly at the end, I wonder if the question fairy gets a win again like last year. Celty won't budge here unless I'm proven wrong. Hiro might win if the whole Hidamari fanbase helps her out)

After R1,D20
Prediction 11
Favorite Prevailed [Nadeko]
Favorites Eliminated [Yurippe, Rin Tohsaka]
Failed Attempt 8
Match Skipped 8
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