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Old 2010-08-29, 12:33   Link #80
Vegard Aune
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: In the middle of nowhere
That is indeed annoying as hell. Thankfully, I don't see that very often, as I always try and choose the highest quality subs for whatever shows I'm watching.

But I've remembered another mistake which, while thankfully not being all that common, is still really annoying whenever I do come across it;
Encoding stuff exclusively in the highest quality possible, not taking into account the fact some people's PCs just aren't strong enough to handle their releases. Now, most groups avoid this by offering a lower quality hardsub version in addition to the really HQ one, but I remember trying to watch the first OVA episode of So Ra No Wo To a while back, only to find that every single raw or fansub that had been releleased of it, was in 1080p, which my PC isn't nearly powerful enough to properly play back. Now, someone eventually released a 720p version after a few weeks, but I was unable to get that episode from the group I got the rest of the series from, simply because their only version of it was too big for me to be able to play it properly.
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