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Old 2010-09-04, 14:25   Link #943
The One Eyed King
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Lurking Up Ahead
Originally Posted by yononaka View Post
I'm not sure what you mean by your "the math should be"? I was simply pointing out the dichotomy, not misrepresenting the numbers in any way... it's not like people can't take their own look at the rest of what's there if they want. I wasn't saying people think it's great, just that it's nowhere near being super bad by consensus.

I'll venture a wild guess that a good number of "painfuls" are making-a-point votes and not even trying to be fair. (Nothing personal to anyone, I can relate to that -- albeit not in this case.)

Now, assuming what you suggest about the even lower average score is true, that would mean that the average vote on Claymore has been <5 for a while (it's ~5 on this one), which would kind of mean that the people who read it think it sucks (or that there is a large pool of those who hate it but can't let go, enough to skew the average). I know that's just a hypothetical, but it'd be a pretty strange situation.
My point was you didn't list anyone who voted for 2-5 They voted too

Originally Posted by Dj0rel View Post
Err... Nope. Even if Galatea didn't reveal her past you can bet Raftela would make her see her parents who were eaten by yoma as we all know it happened. And if that is a bit too standard for you, her hallucination could have something to do with those orphan children she took care of in Rabona.

Pick a half-yoma warrior, any half-yoma warrior, and it's pretty much guarantied they will have some sort of memory that would be vulnerable to the effects of Raftela's ability. Rubel said it very clearly. Raftela's ability works by messing with victim's head. She probably didn't even know what was Miria hallucinating. As far I understood the effects of this ability is kinda like if you gave a normal person hallucination inducing drug. No matter who the person is, he/she will be affected.
Oh god... that would likely be even poor writing... Since doing it to a character without a known past means he could do anything he wants and claimed it fit. Thats far from having a character develop naturally and attacking a known kink in there past. Most likely he'd introduce a past then attack it and that once again would be writing to effect a character in a certain way rather than letting them naturally develop and exploiting there character.

Next off I was being facetious... Clearly he could... question is should he?
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