Thread: Umi no Misaki
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Old 2010-09-13, 13:05   Link #890
Blooming on the mountain
Join Date: May 2010
Location: Deep in their roots, all flowers keep the light....
Originally Posted by Irie View Post
Originally Posted by Mycanid View Post
Am still pondering ch 71 ... atm it is unclear what Mike's intentions actually are. Objectively, from the point of view of readers and the story I agree with her being an element of shaking things up, of course. But from the perspective of how the author is presenting her "rationale" it is not clear to me yet what angle she is coming from.

She says it is the island and its people itself that allow her to be herself, she also seems to personally like Karen and Shizuku (and Nagi, of course) ... is she "serious" about trying to pry Nagi back to Tokyo? Somehow I get the impression that part of her heart would not mind, but this is from a "it would be nice"/wishful thinking/emotion only based level.
Mikes an unknown at this point but she's begun to realize how much of her life is a façade. Will moving Nagi to Tokyo change her professional & personal life, probably not. She said it herself that "no one would accept the real her". If anything, she would need to consider leaving her other life and become part of the island. Not sure she is anywhere near ready for that. I think the author did a few things well here. Mike is older and socially established. She also seems to understand Nagi is not a serious potential partner at his current age.

That pretty much leaves her as the friendly foil for the girls to realize their feelings and help them overcome those things that are holding them back. I'm glad it's being handled this way than introducing another guy to undermine Nagi and work the jealously factor.

It's going to be nice to get more Rinne time. She does make the perfect little sister who only has Nagi's unconditional best interest in mind.
Exactly ... I also like the way the story is being handled using Mike as a catalyst of sorts. Hmm. I also will be interested to see if there is any interaction with Soyogi in a similar vein as Mike did with Karen and Shizuku. I like all three of the Cape Maidens, but of them all I find myself most "invested" in watching the inner development of Soyogi.

Rinne as the "ideal younger sister" figure eh? Well, I could see that. But somehow I primarily see her as more of a sort of "mystic/intuitive" figure in her interactions with Nagi. Not to say this is a black/white thing, of course. "Ideal younger sister" is more than possible in this context. Not sure if I am successfully getting across my impressions here....
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