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Old 2010-09-21, 20:07   Link #24
Licensed Hunter-a-holic
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: United Kingdom
Age: 35
Originally Posted by james0246 View Post
Reading the linked article, I am very confused
You're not the only one. This felt more like reading a collection of bullet points that relate to each other than a complete article.
In an interview with the Japanese publication Cut magazine, Miyazaki said it is possible Studio Ghibli may never make another movie again.

Whether or not that actually happens all depends on the success of Ghibli's newest movie, The Borrower Arrietty, which is loosely based on Mary Norton's fantasy novel, The Borrowers.

The film has already been released to high praise in Japan, but it remains to be seen how well the film will fare at the American box office. And, therein lies the problem.

As popular as Miyazaki has become in the United States, Studio Ghibli has yet to see its films released in mainstream theaters.
Reading this, I noticed that there are key things missing. Why did Miyazaki say that Ghibli might not make another movie again? Is it because of financial problems relating to the studio? Why does their new film need to be successful in the US in the first place? Also, if the problem lies in that these films don't get released in more theaters, doesn't that mean that Ghibli's fate lies more with the corporate executives decisions?
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