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Old 2010-09-27, 21:16   Link #3046
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Age: 39
Originally Posted by Moczo View Post
I don't know, this might be a little harsh to Nine Lives, don't you think? Tsubami Gaeshi is already described as an unblockable certain kill with only three instantaneous slashes. Nine Lives value against a single opponent is similar; even the fastest opponent can only block one of those nine shots, because they all hit at once. And if they're all hitting with Hercules-strength, that means Nine Lives is a sure-kill move if Hercules gets into melee range.
Well, true, I suppose. But, this is entirely beside the point, because what I was arguing was that you don't need to hit with all eight to kill the enemy once, which is what he was claiming.

Technically, but it's safe to assume the stats for the technique (A+, Anti-army, targets 50-300 people, etc.) refers to the attack of Pegasus charging while empowered by the reins, which have no power when they're not on Pegasus. That, the actual rein-boosted charge, moves so quickly and hits with such force it's basically a beam attack, and can be compared to Excalibur's attack. It's solidly inferior, but it can be compared.
Erm, the stat should be related to the NP itself, which is Bellophron. Although, I'd have to check the stat screen to see, so....

But on the other hand, Shirou also mentions earlier that Berserker's wounds from his battle with Saber Alter are all unhealed, which makes no sense if Godhand is active; even normal Servant regeneration should have healed them after several days, so he doesn't seem to be healing his wounds at all, much less regenerating from death.
Actually, the presense or otherwise of God Hand is irrelevant to this. If he wasn't actually killed, then he won't regenerate. Plus, I believe that Berserker only regenerates fatal wounds using God Hand. Non-fatal ones heal like any other wound to a servant would.

Plus, that means that unless each stab of Nine Lives killed him and then the last one killed him more than once, he should have had one life left and pulped Shirou's head.
Yeah, that is a little odd. Although, if nine lives were to involve nine hits, like it should, then that coupled with the stab to the chest would be enough.

All I can assume is that the corruption really did screw up Godhand somehow after those lives were lost, which is hardly impossible. Godhand is part of his body, which is corrupted, skinned, and blinded, none of which is healing at all; further it's explicitly a Divine Blessing and days of exposure to its exact opposite, a mass of high-power curses, might very well have removed or lessened its effects.
But, then, Nine Lives is useless. Shirou didn't need it, and it didn't help him.

Battle Continuation was a point of contention, I recall, and that's because it is really NOT explained very well. In-game notes state that it allows the user to 'keep fighting until taking a clearly fatal blow', but both Lancer and Berserker use their Rank A continuation and keep going after taking fatal blows in UBW; Lancer after stabbing himself in the heart, to kill Kotomine, and Berserker to launch one final attack after running out of his lives in the Gate of Babylon spam.
Well, presumably it also acts to stop a clearly fatal blow from killing them instantly. I mean, being stabbed in the heart isn't instant death. Shirou survives it, after all. Unless you have ridiculous healing magic, it will kill you, but it's not instant.

But, the point is that him using Nine Lives was pointless if he only took one life, because the stab to the heart would have been enough.

I really don't know what to make of this. I guess the ability description should have said, 'allows the user to continue fighting if it would be really, really cool for them to keep fighting'.
Yeah, lol....
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