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Old 2010-09-28, 13:58   Link #2167
Alto x Ranka :)
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: New York City
Originally Posted by reelyanoob View Post
Yeah, but the only thing we're shown while he says this is the first glimpse of Sheryl, and he's discussing what he did during the time he was fighting to protect Ranka.

And that damage to Frontier was all new - not something he was previously ignoring. He never ignored Frontier anyway - always did his duty.

The need to "pretend not to notice" in itself implies he loved Sheryl TOO (which gradually increased). If he didn't, then he would've just told her to buzz off right at the start, he wouldn't have needed to pretend. You only pretend to ignore someones advances when you actually really want them, but feel you can't have them for whatever reason (i.e. already feel committed to someone else)
Since I am an Alto x Ranka fan, I'll give you my interpretation of the visual cues used in that particular conversation.

When Alto begins reminiscing, we see why he left home (and ran away from his past.) His dream or his love for the sky is what drove him to become a pilot. In this flashback scene we see Alto's mother combing his hair and if we go back to episode 19 (the 12 minute mark to be exact,) Yasaburo had an interesting conversation with Sheryl in which he labeled that exact flashback scene as a "scene full of love." Which follows flashbacks of Ranka.

Interestingly enough, if you look at episode 13 (around 5:35 and on) we see an identical scene to the one I just mentioned, except in this case it's Ranka combing Alto's hair this time. Yes, I'm well aware that this is a bit of a stretch but my shipper side felt like mentioning this They could have simply put this scene as a flashback in Alto's conversation with Klan although they could have been trying to avoid a resolution to the Love Triangle

Originally Posted by wisteria233 View Post
Brera is Ranka's brother by blood and was most likely chosen by Grace (like Sheryl) for his abilities so your example fails right there. He didn't need a fold quartz item he already had the ability.

And Brera is Ranka's brother he already the ability to communicate with others because of his genes. Also where do you get the idea that Brera had fold quartz implants, he's a cyborg he has machinery in there.

Again Brera is Ranka's brother by blood so him being able to communicate through fold waves makes sense, however Alto does not have the ability, therefore your examples fail.
Actually I believe Brera is Ranka's older brother and Ranka contracted the disease through their mother's womb so unless Brera and Ranka are twins, I don't see how Brera could otherwise have the same ability.

Also reeyanoob brings up a pretty good question. How was Alto able to communicate with Ranka and Sheryl at the same time after Ranka revived Sheryl? By process of elimination one can come to the conclusion that the earring allowed Alto to communicate with Sheryl and Ranka.

"Aishiteru ~ I Love You"

Last edited by DeX-kun; 2010-09-28 at 14:09.
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