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Old 2010-10-01, 14:06   Link #47
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Originally Posted by Hooves View Post
That is the best phrase ever

If that is true, then there is possibly no way this bill will ever pass... I mean, there is no way they are going to allow ACTA to allow a censorship that large to ever be filled... If it was just the U.S, then it would be possible that we might get it. But if it involves those other countries.... Then its not possible.... Or so I say....

I think you have them confused. COICA is the American bill that would give the US government the ability to remove or block wesbites.

ACTA is the international treaty that is secretive(Governments say it threatens national security), but parts have been leaked(By the Canadian delegates I believe). This treaty would strip the rights of people online. Take ISPs. For now, if a company or government wants your information from an ISP, they have to get a warrant. ACTA would remove this. Companies and governments could get info at will. Another big part is it would allow ISPs free reign over how they handle their customers. Directly relating to anime, say your IP address is found to be seeding or leeching an anime torrent. The Japanese production company could ask your ISP or even pay them to turn your info over. It is like this now, but more stops to keep your info from being released.

All the nations signing ACTA are capitalistic nations(Most of them more Socialistic leaning), but are still controlled by governments who are in the lobbyist pockets.
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