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Old 2010-10-02, 12:21   Link #3053
"Hey, Isaac?"
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Originally Posted by Haak View Post
Finally got round to finishing Heaven's Feel:

Spoiler for wall of text and a lot of swearing:

So what are my final impressions? I think first I ought to point out the problems I had with the other routes:

Many of these problems aren’t much of a problem in this route. The RPG-like battling I can sort have handle because in this route it’s mostly the masters that do the leg work and the servants take the back seat. The sex scenes aren’t much a problem for me this time, either. Unlike Fate and UBW most of the storyline isn’t spent on conflicts with other masters in order to slowly build up the connection to the main storyline. However, the first half can be a bit uninteresting and they’re not exactly subtle on what the shadow thing was. And whether or not you empathise with Sakura can be a major factor in your enjoyment of this route. In the end I only managed to start empathising with her AFTER she went batshit insane. That's kinda disappointing for me since this is the route whether the romance becomes more relevant. Compared to the routes i have to say that the finale in this route was by far much more epic and “finale-like” than the previous routes and I ended up enjoying it a lot. There are some minor problems I’ve had that I’ve already pointed out but these are only minor complaints and it’s just me being picky.

Final Scores:
Anime: 4/10
Fate Route: 5/10
Unlimited Blade Works: 7/10
Heaven's Feel: 8/10
Yeah, that's reasonable. I'd say that the parts of the game you seem to like the least (the Servant vs. Servant conflicts and such) were the parts I liked the most, so it does make sense we'd have largely opposite opinions. I thrive on grand, elaborate shonen-esque battle sequences with power-ups and glowy beams and crap, so HF didn't really click for me until near the end when Shirou started pouring out toxic amounts of Raw Awesome. That was enough to save the route for me, but came too late for me to call HF anything other than 'my third favorite'. Still, I'll admit that the finale from Dark Sakura's first appearance onward was excellent; I just found a lot of what came before that a slog.
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