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Old 2010-10-05, 13:01   Link #7833
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: U.S.A.
Age: 36
Originally Posted by Xander View Post
Yes and no. One huge difference, and that's also where the Lord of the Rings comparison falls short, is the fact Lelouch still had too many skeletons in his closet. Stopping Charles and Ragnarok didn't free him from his guilt or his worries, but quite the opposite.

For someone prepared to disappear along with his father, Lelouch was actually spared. You could even say he was aimless. What's more, Suzaku reminded him that he was Euphemia's murderer. And, yes, he still had to deal with Schneizel as Charles himself stated. If the staff had wanted, they could have developed that into a different ending and made this irrelevant...but they didn't.
As you said, the staff could've handled it differently and they really should have since it was very sloppy. The last four episodes were just resolution and it really shouldn't have been that long.

Also, fiction can be unrealistic, but it still has to make sense. ZR, to be perfectly honest, didn't make a whole lot of sense.
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