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Old 2010-10-06, 19:11   Link #4714
SHSL Lurker
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Academy City
Accelerator manages to gain wings and a halo after fighting with Hyouka, heals Last Order, only for his loli to get kidnapped, and he then declares war on Academy City.
HELL YEAH! I was waiting for Accelerator to go against Gakuen Toshi because of all the crap he put up with in there, and IT'S FINALLY HAPPENED! And Last Order got kidnapped again, dang it. I'll say this once more, messing with the loli of the strongest esper in the world (who just got a second insane powerup, I presume) is NOT a good idea.

Has Accelerator finally become a complete artificial angel now? What color are his wings, white? How much more powerful did he get? I expected his halo to be something cooler, but this is okay, I guess.

Accel's "forbidden move" (that's how I read 「禁断の一手」, just an interpretation) is actually magic (so that means he can now use both esper abilities and magic!?)
Wait, how can Accelerator use magic?! He's an esper, wouldn't his AIM field reject it?

Touma won, but later he went to stop the Archangel and... uh, as the spoilers put it (I refuse to believe! Hahahaha), lost his right arm and was "killed" in his attempt, but managed to stop the Archangel anyways. Dead without a body... this is so opening a room full of speculation discussions.
This is the first time I'm actually worried for Touma. I shouldn't be, though, because he'll probably awaken or something and pop up later.

Last edited by SuzushinaYuriko; 2010-10-06 at 22:18.
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