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Old 2010-10-08, 08:50   Link #653
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Australia
I doubt they're unknowingly missing things, it's just that stuff like Keima's characterisation that you're complaining about can/will easily be brought up later on, especially once Kodama comes in. It seems more like they decided they'd may as well do it then than now since they wanted to fit the whole of Ayumi's arc into ep1. I feel that they were aiming for something along the lines of what you described: The audience gets a slightly different impression of Keima at the beginning but then begin to realise "Oh, so he's actually like that." and begin to have a better opinion of him as the series progresses. Personally I don't mind such an approach.

The only (minor) complaint I can agree with in the thread so far is the change of Ayumi not telling Keima she won and then wondering why she did so. That would have been better.
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