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Old 2010-10-12, 02:12   Link #18033
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Join Date: Aug 2010
Originally Posted by LyricalAura View Post
Why are you so convinced that just having choices will lead to a cop-out ending, Renall? Considering that we have an antagonist whose M.O. is dragging worst-case options out of the Sea of Fragments, you don't see any potential for a satisfying narrative?

Let me revise my prediction. I predict that the viewpoint character of EP8 will be the game master, Bernkastel. The choices will be her attempts to twist the truth that Battler wants to spin for Ange, and Battler will have to refute every twisted sequence of events she can come up with. We'll also see the truth of Bern's backstory come out.
Plot-wise, it would make sense for it to be from Battler's perspective. Since its been thrown in our face the entire story that Battler's choices and actions on Rokkenjimma have a tremendous influence on how the murders go about.

So the basic premise is that "the murders happen, Battler is there, and can influence the course of events". We extrapolate from there that by taking control of Battler, and determining his actions, we can then figure out what the consequences of those hypothetical decisions are. If we have deduced the "true" decisions Battler made, we can come to the "One Truth" of Rokkenjimma, and break open the catbox once and for all.

I can't wait to unlock the "Epic Bout between Battler and George" route.
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