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Old 2010-10-14, 12:28   Link #27416
shiroi mahotsukai
Under Death by College
Join Date: May 2010
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Age: 30
Originally Posted by Moczo View Post
Nice, and it's raising the point that I made in our conversation: am I supposed to find the Materials sympathetic? I mean, obviously they have sympathetic aspects, but Yami has been mind-raping Yuuno, and Rai has admitted, openly, to enjoying murder. Seikou's not as bad, but she still has her rough patches too. I'm getting to the point where I'm not sure if I want them to have a happy ending, because while there are signs of them being changed by their association with Yuuno, there are many more signs that they really ought to be kept off the streets...

Yuuno's reaction to what has happened, both in the prison and in his head, and how the girls responsible for these things react to his reactions... I think that's a major turning point in whether you can honestly call these girls redeemable, or just plain Villain Protagonists. Looking forward to the answer.
You raise an interesting point, twisting a man's mind to make him believe he has abondoned his morals is, in my opinion, worse than twisting his arm and using force to make him to do something he believes in wrong.

All the materials have done some very questionable thing on very shaky ground. Seikou killing those religious fanatics because their beliefs offended her, Rai threatening to murder everyone in a prison colony and Yami brain-washing Yuuno. I don't know that I'd say it makes any of them completely irredeemable but it's definitly a step towards the Moral Event Horizon.
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