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Old 2003-12-06, 01:26   Link #23
Join Date: Nov 2003
Originally Posted by JAppi
I think that comment is highly offensive. I've watched a few TV-Nihon subs in the past and I thought they were very well done.

I personally don't mind that they've taken out the end and next episode previews, I never watch those.

It pisses people off that you took out the endings. They are posting here to let you know.

Some how it makes me think that kid was right with what he said.

Atleast that's true for some specific groups. I thought it was nice how that one group, Spectre-anime, I believe asked for opinions on it's sub of saiyuki RELOAD and they accepted the feedback.

Yes, a mod should lock this thread if the subbers are just starting arguments. You should have be ashamed of yourself (especially you GTAkito.) Fansub groups should be working together. Although what KingRanger said, could be considered an insult it doesn't necisarily have to be an insult. Please respect not only the fansubbers but the watchers of your subs!

It was not an insult of any subs they do. It was not an insult to the group. It was my opinion. GTAkito made it a flame with his crap. He stated some things that went way beyond flaming. I have nothing more to say about this. I will not resort to the kind of thing GTAkito did.
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