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Old 2010-10-18, 01:57   Link #550
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2009
No, not really.

Ok, ok. From Salinas' POV - Freesia finds a love letter addressed to him and accuses him of sleeping around on her (which, of course, he is). In order to keep her from stealing a handgun from the armory and shooting him (which it seems she's likely to do), he has to convince Hermes to explain to her that he wrote the letter and sent it to Salinas so that he could proof read it for him and ensure that it was quality enough to get his wingman laid. However, Hermes isn't going to do it for free, and in order to get the guy to play along Salinas really DOES have to hook him up. All the while Freesia is trying to pretty much kill him, so they have to avoid her and the Squad Cougar (Yoko), who wants Salinas' nuts. At one point or another Musaad has to quote some Oingo Boingo lyrics.

How (if) he manages, my good man, is up to you.

Last edited by DC20; 2010-10-18 at 03:30.
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