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Old 2010-10-27, 15:33   Link #2058
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Originally Posted by DeX-kun View Post
Yes, you're right. She did regain a lot of memories after her departure but it was the best she could do for both Frontier and the Vajra. It was blatantly obvious that her singing wasn't protecting Frontier anymore after chaos ensued following her attempt at taming the Vajra. Her singing wasn't solely taming the Vajra now but rather making them violent.

In the conversation between Alto and Ranka prior to her departure she says, "everyone live free don't they?" One can infer that she is referring to both the race of Humanity and the Vajra since she realized at the very least that the Vajra were a part of her life since childhood. Her motivations aren't as unjustified as you think it is.
The problem for me is not that her departure is wholly unjustified. The problem is that it was rash and stupid. And premeditatedly so. She knew that she woud go into incredible danger, she knew that she'd leave Frontier in the lurch and she knew that taking Alto would also put him in direct danger. And she still went ahead.

She also had, in episode 20, gotten her singing under control enough to lure the Vajra to Island-3. So she would have had reason to suspect that her singing would not necessarily be out of control forever. Which is another reason for her to stay and try to work out what could be done with the Frontier military. But, as I pointed out one post above, her reasons for leaving weren't necessarily only motivated by one longshot at peace with the Vajra, but also other underlying motivations to put distance between herself and her former life.


*edit* On an tangentially related matter, may I say how totally weird Rankas short sob-attack in Breras breast was in episode 20? She's like "Alto never heard my song, waaaaaah! <beat> Okay, I'm good.". Kinda shows how deeply she loved hime-sama.
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