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Old 2010-10-27, 17:39   Link #51
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Join Date: Mar 2010
Originally Posted by Hooves View Post
I thought that the father accepted the facts about the anime, and the otaku friends, but not the Eroge Games.. But then again, he would still tell Kirino to get rid of basically everything I think... (little confused at the moment )
That's my point. Their father will tolerate Kirino's anime and otaku friends, but he will not tolerate the eroge. However, Kirino's collection is mostly eroge, so if she has to get rid of that then there's not much left of Kirino's hobby.

So as far as Kirino's secret stash goes, it still has to stay secret, but because her father accepts her anime hobby, then she's now free to talk with her friends about it over the phone in the living room or even invite them over. Kirino just can't show any of the nudity or sex scenes, unlike before when she couldn't even mention anything remotely anime-like at all.
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