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Old 2010-10-27, 17:48   Link #2079
Minmay Guard
Join Date: May 2009
Originally Posted by BetoJR View Post
By the same token, what in that statement is implying that she doesn't? I mean, honestly, you guys are debating assumptions provided by intentionally vague statements... I don't see much of a future, in that, but more power to both of you.
That pretty much sums it up, from my end.

Really, I just started thinking about the scene the other day, and how so much of the "Traitor Ranka Lee" talk stemmed from that, so I went back and watched it again and realized that she could be doing the responsible thing by leaving. Then the question became, "Well WE know that the Vajra are only interested in her...what if SHE knows it, too? Then her leaving carries a completely different meaning to it. And if she knows that 'Aimo' is a Vajra love song, that might give her the information she needs in order to control them."

I don't think it's that much of a stretch, really. It seemed (and still seems) like a plausible interpretation to me.

I'm not even saying I believe it myself...I'm just playing with ideas here.
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