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Old 2010-11-05, 03:40   Link #79
Join Date: Dec 2006
Originally Posted by totoum View Post
I guess that shows that I havn't owned a gaming console since the N64,hell even the episode mentions patches

Though now that I think about it,have you shown any evidence that backs up your view?Sorry if I missed it.

He loves playing games yes,but that is very different from thinking each girl on each cartrige is different.
Haha, the 3DS is coming out and XBOX360 has that new Kinect stuff.
Maybe it's a good time to start gaming again?

Like, directly said from the show? No.
I assumed it from the fact he treasures his girls a lot and used my thoughts/experience to shape the idea. Pretty normal, right?

Also, like said somewhere before, he doesn't love "playing games", he loves "the girls" in the game.

Originally Posted by fukarming View Post
You are pointing out a plot flaw (character inconsistency) and that is not an opinion, but an analysis which, if you post on open forum, are open to critique. An opinion is something like if you think Keima is cool or not.

I have not even attempted to insult you and why would I be outraged of someone like you? People can believe whatever they want to believe. If you want to believe in your outrageous theory, be my guest. (Is outrageous make you feel uncomfortable? I am willing to change it to ridiculous if you would feel better)
Yeah... Sure.
If you want to think that, then it surely is. Inside you.
Hai, conversation over. Bye.
Good timing too.
I'm tired over this infinite loop over this topic, so I'll call it a day for this episode. I definitely don't feel like discussing another page on something so insignificant.
Then until the next episode's thread~

If you want to continue anything, just use the visitor's message thing.

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